Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home in Daytona Beach, FL

The residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased is slightly higher than the state average. The nursing home is in the bottom half of facilities in terms of residents that have one or more falls with a major injury. The residents that have one or more falls with a major injury is slightly higher than the state average.

emory bennett veterans nursing home

The nursing home is in the top 40% of facilities in terms of residents who received an antipsychotic medication. The residents who received an antipsychotic medication is slightly lower than the state average. The nursing home is in the bottom 30% of facilities in terms of residents who lose too much weight. The residents who lose too much weight is higher than the state average. Lastly, the nursing home is in the bottom half of facilities in terms of residents given Flu vaccine. The residents given Flu vaccine is slightly higher than the state average.

About Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home

The homes are supervised round the clock by registered and licensed nurses. Under the IRS tax code, monetary donations to specific state veterans’ homes are tax deductible. Per Florida Statutes, all such donations are to be used for the benefit of the home and its residents. You may also support the State Homes for Veterans Trust Fund by making a $1 contribution when renewing your Driver License. The Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home is a 4-star quality rating the second highest possible. However, the nursing home is in the bottom 40% of facilities in terms of residents whose need for help with daily activities has increased.

emory bennett veterans nursing home

Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home received an overall rating from CMS of 5 stars compared to the FL average of 3.48 and a National average of 3.32. Ratings from residents, family members, and visitors to our site are available below. We encourage you to leave one of your own if you are familiar with their services. We also recommend giving them a call to address any additional senior and nursing care questions you may have after reviewing their Nursing Home Site profile. Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home participates in Medicare and Medicaid and are classified as a Government - State ownership.

Nearby Senior Living in Daytona Beach

Skilled nurses, therapists and licensed care professionals are available to guide you through your personalized therapy. Whether you’re recovering after a hospital visit or in need of on-going medical support, Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home will help you achieve your personal goals. Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home is a senior living provider in Daytona Beach, Florida that offers residents Nursing Homes. My Grand Father recently was placed in this facilities care. I went to visit him this weekend and was very impressed with the grounds and staff.

emory bennett veterans nursing home

The certified beds number is how many Medicare and/or Medicaid beds are in the facility. Inquire with the facility to determine what kinds of beds that are available. A complaint is a negative occurrence that has been reported by nursing home residents, their families, and staff. An incident, which is different from a complaint is a negative occurrence reported by a member of the nursing home staff. Some complaints will result in enforcement actions if it is determined that a nursing home isn’t following the rules.

Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home: Data Analysis and Ratings

The reported incidents and complaints for the facility are tallied in the table above. I haven’t been here that long, but they take care of me pretty good.

emory bennett veterans nursing home

Nursing homes are rated from 1-star to 5-stars with 1-star being the best rating and 5-star being the best rating. For the Health Inspection Rating the nursing homes in each state are ranked based on their weighted three year inspection score. The top 10 percent of nursing homes are awarded a 5-star rating; the bottom 20 percent are awarded a 1-star rating.

It is worth mentioning that Medicare pays for what they deem as 'medically necessary' skilled nursing care. Access to health care is an important consideration when selecting a nursing homes community. There are 6 hospitals close to Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home. The two closest hospitals are Halifax Health Medical Center, which is 2.1 miles miles away, and Florida Hospital Memorial Medical Center, which is 2.4 miles miles away from the facility.

emory bennett veterans nursing home

Veterans’ Domiciliary Home in Lake City – The Robert H. Jenkins Jr. Veterans’ Domiciliary Home in Lake City opened to residents in 1990. The recently renovated 150-bed Assisted Living Facility provides a special combination of housing, personalized supportive services and primary medical care to eligible veterans. Veterans must be able to feed and dress themselves and in need of assisted living care.

They were respectful and loving to my father during his declining years. While he was able, he thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie with other veterans, and benefited from physical therapy sessions. We, his family, never worried about his safety or care, and we are forever grateful to the staff.

emory bennett veterans nursing home

The Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home is in the top 40% of facilities in terms of hospitalizations per 1000 days. The nursing home's hospitalizations per 1000 days is lower than the state average. The nursing home is also in the top 10% of facilities in terms of outpatient emergency department visits per 1000 days. The nursing home's outpatient emergency department visits per 1000 days is slightly lower than the state average. Additionally, the Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home is in the top 10% of facilities in terms of short-stay residents who had outpatient emergency department visits.

Click here to view the ranked list of nursing homes near Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home. Emory L Bennett Memorial Veterans Nursing Home has 120 beds making this nursing home smaller than the Florida state average of 121. The average number of beds per nursing home inVolusia Countyis 117. At the county level, Volusia Countyaverages 99 residents per nursing home, for an average 86% occupation rate.

emory bennett veterans nursing home


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